Bike Review: IKEA SLADDA vs. Priority Classic 2.0 by He Likes It


With the launch of IKEA's new belt-driven bicycle, Mikey Kreiger of reached out to compare the assembly, ride, maintenance, and overall experience of both bicycles. 

He let us know he was going to do a side-by-side comparison. Always confident in our construction, features, and price, we were eager to hear his review. 

He looked at assembly time- where the IKEA SLADDA took 2.5 hours to construct compared to our Priority Classic at 2.5.  The automatic gearing on the SLADDA was "problematic" as opposed to the Classic offering "a bit more flexibility on your ride..." From a maintenance standpoint, a conversation with IKEA customer service over a small pedal warping issue prompted a solution of bringing the SLADDA back to the store.  Lastly, delivery costs on the SLADDA range from $99 to $139, significantly more than the $30 flat rate for our bicycles.

We, admittedly, are a bit biased and happy with the result, but it's just because we have put all of our efforts into making high quality, low maintenance, affordable bicycles for our riders.  

In terms of the bottom line: 


Overall I was impressed by both IKEA and Priority but ultimately the assembly and build issues I faced with the SLADDA make this a no-brainer for recommending the Priority Classic 2.0. If you're in the market for a new bicycle, check them out!

- Read more from HeLikes.It about his experience and other reviews.